
Created a network of community-based “Get Out the Count” hubs to assist New Yorkers in completing the 2020 Census forms including identifying trusted community spaces, providing technical and logistical assistance, and sharing best practices and training resources. In light of COVID-19 restrictions, ABNY pivoted efforts to equip partners and trusted community hubs with web-based trainings, online materials, and best practices to conduct outreach and get out the count safely.

Neighborhood-based Census Resource Locations

  • Worked with more than a dozen NYC Census stakeholders to identify and support 30+ community-based facilities where New Yorkers could complete the Census form online including libraries, youth and senior service organizations, healthcare facilities, faith-based community partners, and privately-owned spaces.
    Check out the Census Resource Center Checklist > 

Culturally Competent Translation Services

  • Facilitated the translation of Census material developed by the U.S. Census Bureau, community-based organizations, and citywide Census partners into 15 languages as identified by research efforts and culturally based data.
    View translated resources > 

Acquired Technology

  • Partnered with Tech:NYC to solicit technology and technical support to assist neighborhood-based Census resource locations in areas with limited digital access.
    Review tech specifications > 
  • Assembled a volunteer core to staff neighborhood-based Census resource locations; trained volunteer core in creating and distributing trusted information for the public; developed a training module for volunteers, and trained more than 100+ volunteers across multiple organizations.
    See the go-to Census Ambassador training folder > 
  • Created and solicited incentives or “swag” to encourage people to complete the Census at public facilities and events.
Spanish translated ad promoting restaurant assistance
Arabic translated ad promoting restaurant assistance

Created and translated flyers to include in food distribution bags to increase access to the Census.
Access food distribution flyers >

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